Kate Rusby's home page:
This is pretty much the best source to find out about Kate Rusby, and the recent changes to the web site have
made it even better!
Cobbler's Daughter and Sons:
Here is a good "alternative" Kate Rusby Site. It has all sorts of really neat stuff. be sure
to check out the site's reviews section (and the rest of the site too, of course).
Rufus' Rusby page:
Some talented and highly industrious person named Rufus Sargent has collected info on lots of lesser known
but very talented English Folk Singers, including Kate Rusby. You can find his home page here.
Compass Record's Rusby page:
This is a page about her from her distributor in the US. There's alot of promotional material here, but it seems
to be updated fairly regularly.
iMusic.com's Rusby page:
This is not in anyway an endorsement in general of iMusic.com, but they seem to have a better page about Kate Rusby
than any of the other internet music sites. It's worth a look anyways, just watch out for banner ads!
Kate Rusby Yahoo! Category:
I guess this means she's moving up in the world, because now she's even got her own Yahoo category! There's really nothing here that's not
already on my page, but it's still kinda neat.
Thistle and Shamrock Interview:
This is a link to an interview of Kate Rusby by NPR's "Thistle and Shamrock."
Dirty Linen article:
Here's a portion of a really good article about her by a magazine called Dirty Linen.
(I guess you have to subscribe to get the whole thing).
Express Article:
Here's a decent article about Kate by some paper called The Express.
Folk Music Interview:
Here's an interview of her by a folk music magazine, I think. Anyways, it's actually pretty interesting.
Musicians Union Feature:
Here's a "Feature" on Kate by the UK Muscians Union Magazine. It's pretty good too.
Review by George Graham:
Here's a review by a fellow named George Graham. He seems to be just some guy with a "bye line"
but it is a pretty good review.
Green Man Sleepless Review:
Here's a decent review of Sleepless by a web site that seems to review alot of Folk and Celtic albums.
Minneapolis Review:
Here's a review of her recent performance in Minneapolis by Rebecca Swain of Green Man Review.
McCarthy review 1:
Here's a review of her CD, Hourglass, by a guy named Kevin McCarthy. He has a web page that
reviews various celtic and folk CDs.
That page can be found here.
McCarthy review 2:
Here's a review by that same guy of her newest CD, Sleepless.
Cambridge Folk Festival:
Here's a link to some info about her performance at the 1999 Cambridge Folk Festival. It's not much, but
it does have some nice pictures with it.
Isle of Wight Review:
Here's an account of her performance in February at the Medina Theater on the Isle of Wight.
Rambles Hourglass Review:
Here's a review of her CD, Hourglass, by a webmagazine called Rambles.net.
Rambles Sleepless Review:
Here's a review by that Rambles site of her other CD, Sleepless.
Other Kate Rusby pages or sites??
If you run a Kate Rusby page, or know of a page that I missed, let me
know and I'll link to it!